President’s Page


The annual holiday party was a blast – singing Christmas songs at Tokyo Kitty (a karaoke spot downtown) was a fun way to celebrate the season. Big thank you to Emily Kean for arranging and bringing the delicious food! The executive committee is planning a couple educational meetings for the new year, which I am very excited about! Keep your eyes peeled for more information.

Typically, this time of the year is for reflection, but I’m already thinking about what I will be working on in the new year. I have an exciting project in the works to do some health information literacy with hospital patients and caregivers. AI is at the top of my list as well, especially supporting my students and patrons in understanding GenAI and how it can be best utilized. I will also be continuing my work advocating for Open Science practices and Open Educational Resources. What are you excited about focusing on in the new year? Comment below or email your thoughts to Jim ( or Emily ( for inclusion in the next Chronicle. I’d love to hear about projects CAHSLA members have in the works!

Lynn Warner, President

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